


It is a treatment of visible scars of ageing skin using intense pulsed light. The heat produced will generate dermal neocollagenesis and therefore identify the supporting tissue of the skin.


Photorejuvenation will make it possible to treat :

– Vascular disorders such as erythrosis, rosacea, stellate angiomas, rosacea.

– Superficial pigmentary disorders and ageing of the skin due to the sun : spots brown Heloderma, lentigines, poikiloderma,

– Dermal and epidermal structural modifications : dilated pores, elastosis, collagen modifications.

Photorejuvenation will treat all signs simultaneously and gently to a natural and progressive result without social exclusion.

The face, neck and cleavage, and the hands’ backs are the area’s most favourable to this type of treatment.

The number of sessions varies from one anatomical region to another and depends on the type of skin. In general, a treatment represents between 1 and 3 sessions to treat pigmentary disorders and between 3 and 6 sessions to regain a complexion. Homogeneous colouring, a skin texture of beautiful texture and for the treatment of vascular disorders.

Photorejuvenation sessions

The interval between 2 consecutive sessions is 3 weeks.

For a more effective and safe treatment, you should stop sun exposure 3-4 weeks before the session and sun protection will be prescribed for the following month.

It is a treatment that is not trivial.

A precise diagnosis of the lesions to be treated and a detailed examination of your medical history and the current treatments are essential before the session.


15 to 30 min


Sun-damaged skin, dark spots, redness, large pores


Several years

Making an appointment

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